Резюме. Автобиография и другие документы на английском языке. Resume. CV (curriculum vitae) and other documents

 John Brown

15 Green St.

New York 26789


Tel. 056724422

e-mail: jonbrown@mid.net

 Objective A… (название должности) with opportunities for growth and advancement.
 EducationSchool, New York (1992-2204) levels in English (A), German (A), History (B), Maths (A). University of… BA (Honours) MA (Honours). Diploma in…(2004-2007)
 Work experience Trained and experienced in (имею квалификацию и опыт работы)…(профессия, должность), …(название компании), …200…-200…(годы работы). Responsibilities included Ving (В обязанности входило): typing and mailing (печатал, вел картотеку и переписку), developed (разрабатывал) and implanted (внедрял) new programmes, performed (выполнял) banking procedures (операции), greeting and assisting visitors (прием и обслуживание посетителей).
 Special skills Fluent in (Russian, Ukrainian), proficient in English, good in German, fair in French;

Book-keeping and billing.

Operating systems:Windows, Word, Excel, IMS Office 2000,


 Activities Additional: driving license
 Professional profileSkiing and swimming- Highly organized and dedicated with a positive attitude

- Have excellent written, oral and interpersonal communication skills

- Work on my own

 ReferencesНе менее 2-3

человек, дающих


 References available on requestили..................................................................

имя ,должность и место работы, адрес, тел

Сопроводительное письмо. The letter of Application Cover Letter).

John Brown

15 Green St.

New York 26789


10th September, 2007


I’m writing to apply for the position, which was advertised last week in the “…”

Although I am presently employed (работаю), it has always been my intention to work in commercial environment. I would like to work for your company. As you notice on my enclosed CV, the job you are offering suits both my personal and professional


My work experience allows me to work in…today. I am sure that this together with my understanding of the needs and nature enthusiasm would be extremely relevant to the position. I am fluent in English, German and French and would enjoy working in a foreign-speaking environment.

I would be pleased to discuss my resume with more detail at an interview. In the meantime, please, do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

John Brown

Образец рекомендации. Letter of Recommendation.

 Bob Spot

Financial Director

“…” Co

26 Green St.

New York 26789

USDear Mr. Spot,

Reference for John BrownAt the request (по просьбе) of J.Brown I submit (предоставляю) this confidential information in support of (в поддержку) his application for the position of… During the working period he demonstrated (проявил) enthusiastic individual approach

combined with pioneering spirit (подход в сочетании с инициативным характером). He introduced several innovations. Mr. Brown talents go far beyond …(способности выходят далеко за рамки). He always completes (выполняет) his tasks promptly

(надлежащим образом).In conclusion I should mention that he is extremely responsible (ответственный) and hardworking (трудолюбивый). His excellent command (знание) of English and oratory skills (ораторские способности) are obvious (очевидны).Mr. Brown is always cordial and professional in his relations with our staff (душевный и коллективный в отношениях с сотрудниками). He got along well with fellow employees and managers.Mr. Brown is polite, tactful, friendly and co-operative (способный к сотрудничеству). In my opinion, he would be an asset to (находкой) your company. I am pleased (с удовольствием) recommend John Brown without reservation (any hesitation) (без всяких сомнений). Were he back to us (в случае его возвращения), we would be glad to rehire (принять) him again.Faithfully (с уважением),

Michel Clyde Director

BBC Corporation

Tel.: 666-6666