NA - перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция, определение

NA - перевод на русский, синонимы, антонимы, примеры в контексте
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амер.|ˈsoʊ.di.əm| американское произношение слова
брит. |ˈsəʊ.di.əm| британское произношение слова

no way, indeed, ixnay, jugful, mmm, nay, negative, nit, nix, no, no dice, nope, not at all, not by any means, not in a thousand years, sodium, there is no, absolutely not, nah, napoo, naw, storting

yah, absobloodylutely, affirmative, all right, correct, darn right, exactly, i do, i would appreciate, i would be happy to, i would be honored, i would like to, i would love to, mayhaps, of course, okay, okey dokey, sure, without a doubt, yass, yes, yes indeed, you betcha

Na (Military) NA stands for nation assistance.

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