My Working Day / Мой рабочий день на английском языке

My working day usually begins at six o'clock sharp. I get up early in the morning as I live far from the Academy. I usually

wake up by alarm clock. But as I often keep late hours sometimes my mother has to wake me up. I usually sleep with the ventilation pane open and it is quite chilly in the room in the morning. After getting up I make my bed.

I am fond of jogging, that is why whatever the weather might be I leave the house at half past six and jog in the park which is near our house. I wish my brother jogged with me, but he says it is too hard for him to do any morning exercises when he is still sleepy.

At a quarter past seven I am back and go to the bathroom to have a shower. In fifteen minutes I am ready for breakfast. By this time my parents have already left for their offices. I do not have to cook my breakfast, as mother always leaves me something to eat. People say break fast should be the most substantial meal of the day, but I do not like to eat much in the morning. A couple of sandwiches with tea are enough for me.

Before going to the Academy I have a quarter of an hour for revising my homework.

I leave home at half past seven. It takes me about half an hour to get to the Academy. I cango there by bus but I hate public transport. You usually have to wait for a long time and besides our buses are always overcrowded during the rush hours. I hate to be squeezed on all sides by other passengers. So I prefer walking.

My classes begin at eight. We have four classes every day but on Mondays and Wednesdays we have five classes. The classes are over at about three o'clock.

I hurry home to have lunch. After lunch I let myself rest for a while and then begin to do my homework.

At school I used to go to the tennis court. I am fond of tennis. I went in for tennis for 6 years and had my trainings twice a week. But last year I had to deprive myself of this pleasure as I needed more time for studies.

After several minutes of doing nothing and lying on the sofa I am ready to do my homework. My parents do not like it when I lie motionlessly on the sofa instead of having a little walk. But I do not think that it is a waste of time because after that I feel refreshed.

I'm used to doing difficult lessons first. These are Physics, Math-ematics and Chemistry. After that I go shopping and buy everything my mother asks me. Then my parents come back home and we have dinner at half past seven. After that I start doing the other lessons.

After ten o’clock I finish preparing my homework and have some spare time which I usually spend on either reading a book or watching TV. At about eleven o'clock my mother reminds me of my getting up early in the morning. I goto bed rather unwillingly but fall asleep in some minutes.


week days –будни

sharp – ровно, точно

schedule – распорядок дня, расписание

daily routine – повседневные дела, установившийся порядок дня

to get up – вставать

to be an early riser – рано вставать

alarm-clock – будильник

to set an alarm-clock for... – ставить будильник на...

to go off –звенеть (oбудильнике)

(When the alarm-clock goes off I wake up at once.)

to do one's morning exercises – делать утреннюю зарядку

to wash oneself–умываться

to make one's bed–застилать кровать

to clean one's teeth – чистить зубы

tooth-brush – зубная щетка

to brush one's hair – причесывать волосы

to have breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper) – завтракать (обедать, ужинать, ужинать поздно)

brunch (breakfast + lunch) – поздний завтрак

to have something for breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper) – есть что-либо на завтрак (обед, ужин, поздний ужин)

to do the room – убирать комнату

to air the room – проветривать комнату

to water the flowers – поливать цветы

to have a bath – принимать ванну

to have a shower – принимать душ

to get dressed – одеваться

to do the cooking – готовить еду

to make tea (coffee) – заваривать чай (кофе)

to wash up the dishes= to do the washing up – мыть посуду

to sweep the floor – подметать пол

to dust the furniture – вытирать пыль с мебели

to do the shopping – делать покупки

to leave the house – уходить из дома

to help about the house – помогать по хозяйству

tidy– опрятный, прибранный

to start for the Academy – отправляться в академию

on one's way to – по пути в

The Academy is a five-minute walk from home. – Академия в пяти минутах ходьбы от дома.

to have classes – иметь занятия

to have a break – иметь перемену

to walk = to take a stroll – пойти на прогулку

spare time = free time – свободное время

leisure time –досуг

to do one's homework – делать домашнее задание

to be through with something – справиться с чем -нибудь, закончить что-либо

to be a phone-hog – подолгу болтать по телефону.

to set somebody into a cheerful mood – приводить кого-либо в хорошее настроение